Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Milestone Passed and a Prayer Request.

Hello All,
      This is just a little note to let you all know that I just ran the numbers earlier today and I am at 50% of my support right now. I still have a long way to go but things are continuing to pick up and go faster. Praise God. Please continue to pray for open doors.

In particular, I will be visiting with a church in Roanoke VA this coming Sunday so please pray that several people in the congregation might be lead to support me!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exciting News and Need for Prayer

I just got confirmation today that the young men I will be living with this coming year in England have found a house!! This is really exciting news, but also puts the pressure on me to definitely get over to England by September. Please pray that God would be gracious in allowing that!!


Also I have decided to post an update once every two weeks. This is a revision to my earlier schedule for posts. I decided that this would probably be over load for you all and I would often not have much new to say if I posted twice a week.  I may sometime post more often though.

Now for the update:
           As many of you all know I am now support raising full time. Over the past couple of week I have had a few one-on-one meetings and have been regularly talking with people over the phone about what I will be doing in England and the possibility of supporting me. The result has been that May was so far my biggest month for giving. I praise God for this and pray that he will continue to prosper my efforts for it is God’s work. I am not sure that I have done anything else in my life that has forced me to rely so much on God as support raising. I am talking to people and getting the message out there, but I cannot make people give. Yet people are giving and new opportunities are opening up. Praise be to God!

This past week I have been at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America that is the business meeting of my denomination for pastors and elders. This week has been very encouraging and has opened up a few new opportunities as well as produced a few invitations to churches which I have been in contact with. This is of great encouragement to me and I hope it will be to you too.

I am now at around 40% of my budget, but have hope that this will soon go up based on the conversations that I have had recently. Please pray that God will continue to show people the need there is in England and open their hearts to partner with me as God wills.