Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Ticket

Buying my ticket Monday or Tuesday and hopefully arriving in Gateshead on September 7!! Only $3,500 left to raise to be fully funded!! Keep praying!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Jumpers Even for Dudes"

Getting Ready    
Now that I am so close to leaving, I am starting to think about packing. What will I need? What can I do without? What will I need for over there that is different from what I need over here? etc. I know the weather is bitter cold, colder than I have ever experienced. When I was in Ireland, it was June, but it felt like April, and Gateshead is even more northerly than southern Ireland. So long sleeves, long pants, jackets and layers for sure, but there are other things to think about as well. For example, I've been told on good authority not to where tennis shoes unless I'm doing some sort of sports activity. Well I have that one covered (that's what I do anyway for the most part), but it brings up the point that as in many instances the English do stuff differently and I need to be prepared. Rain of course is another huge thing. I will definitely be buying a good rain suit...and I image it might easily be the most used rain suit I will ever own!
     As part of all this, I have been talking to people who have a better idea than I about what I should bring, and one of those people is another MTW intern who was in Gateshead for the summer and just got back. In her FB message reply to my questions, one of her suggestions to stave off the cold was to bring sweaters...or jumpers. She explained, "aka jumpers there....even for the dudes." So that is the story behind my title. It also goes to show again just what I'm in adjustment to a different culture. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.

My Status:
I now have my visa, as you all know, so now the big things are buying a ticket and getting the rest of my support. On the ticket front my MTW coach and I have started the process of buying one and hopefully it will be bought in the next day or so. Pray please for an affordable ticket. I do know however that I will be able to have 3 free bags which is a huge Praise the Lord! I'm having to pack my life into suit cases so it was a relief to know that I will have more than just one to pack it into.  Also I will probably be going Washington to London to Newcastle. Please pray for a not too short a layover in London. I have flown internationally before but would rather not have to worry about whether I'm going to make it through immigration in time to catch my next flight for instance. I'll let you all know when the date is as soon as I know. (However, it looks like it will probably be like the 7th of September)

As for the rest of my support, it's a little complicated. About a month ago I didn't know if I was going to be able to raise the whole amount so I started talking with MTW about my options. They have a policy which says that missionaries have to be raise 100% of their support to go to the field so I talked with them about committing for 8months and then trying to raise the last two months worth from England which would allow me to extend my time there to match just about the original length of time I was shooting for. However, God has been really gracious!! This is my present situation. I need:

$1,320.00 more for 8 months
$3,724.00 more for 10 months (in other words to be fully raised)

So basically I'm almost there for the 8 months and really it is quite possible that I could leave fully raise (for the 10months) which would be an incredible blessing from God!! Thank you all so much for making this ministry possible with all your giving and and prayers! I covet your prayers for the last little bit of support and also throughout my time in England. I will be keeping you updated!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Almost There!!

A big praise to God: MY VISA HAS BEEN ISSUED. I was afraid it would not be issued for several more weeks, at least, because of when I submitted it, but God is good, and it made it through in about as little time as it could have!!

Also I'm down to needing only about $3,000 to go and $6,000 to be fully funded!! God has worked wondrous things! About $13,000 has come in since July 1st and most of that has come in, in the last three weeks!

I will be getting a ticket probably in the next week or so and will be keeping you all updated. Please pray for the last little bit to come in!!

(This is just a sort of mini update. I will send a fuller one within the next week)