Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22

It was a good day today. I am preparing to lead the mid week Bible Study tomorrow night. Pray that God would bless my preparation.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prayer Requests

 The Church:
  • There are several people hanging around the outskirts of the church at the moment please pray that they would be brought into closer fellowship with us and into membership.
  • The New Christianity Explored (CE) class will start this coming January. Christianity Explore is an evangelistic Bible Study and the Church has run it several times in the past with much blessing. Please pray that church members would be given good opportunities to invite their friends, neighbors, and family. 
  • Please pray for nonchrisitians that will come along to CE that God will even now be preparing their hearts.
  • We had about 30 visitors last Lord's Day in connection to a baptism (all friends and family) and most of them if not all of them were not Christians. They heard a brilliant gospel sermon and several of them seemed receptive. Please pray.

 My Ministry:
  • Pray for the opportunity at the school.
  • Pray for wisdom and diligence for me as I help with the youth, lead and prepare Bible Studies and support the work of the church in several different ways
  • Pray for God to open a door to better reach out to University Students. A few weeks ago there seemed to be a door opening up to assist some of the CU leaders and then it was closed although it might still be cracked. Please pray for this.
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