Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prayer Meeting Pictures

Here are the pictures I promised (a little late, sorry about that) These are pictures from after our weekly Bible Study/Prayer Meeting, which meets in the home of our minister, Bill Schweitzer and which I have the privilege of leading about once a month. The format of the meeting is: 
  • 20min. Bible Study - the leader teaches for about 12min. on a passage followed by 5min. of questions and comments
  • 7 min. Prayer about truths from the passage taught and their application to our lives
  • 8 min. Sharing Prayer requests about the Church at large, Christian organizations etc. 
  • 7min. Prayer for these requests
  • 8min. Sharing Prayer requests for individuals 
  • 7min. Prayer for these requests 
  • 30-45min. (optional) Tea, coffee, and fellowship 
I apologise for the quality of these photos not being very good. I took them on my phone.

The Elders - (GPC in still a church plant so the elders from its parent church, and another even newer church plant in Sheffield as well as these two men make up the session- on the left: Jon Winch, and on the right: Bill Schweitzer, our minister.)

From left to right - Alun, Matthew, and Tracey
Some of the young people and young adults, Dan (in the back, who was home from University), Nathan (in the front, one of my housemates and also looking to train for the ministry), and Anna (on the right, one of our brilliant youth)
Check the bottom of the blog for more information.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pictures Coming Soon...

My most recent update will not be posted on the blog, but I will be posting pictures on here soon. If you would like to receive my most recent update, please contact me at