Thursday, November 4, 2010


 Welcome everyone! As many of you know I will be serving in England next year with Mission to the World and will be working as an intern for a church over there. Many of you also know that I am right now in the support raising stage of this journey. This blog is one of the early steps in that journey, and I have designed it with two purposes in mind.

1. I hope that it will help you walk alongside me as I make this journey of support raising and then serving the Church in England. (Not the Church of England for all you lovers of England)

2. I want this to be a place where I can point people to who are interested in what God is doing in England and how I fit into that. 

Hopefully I will be posting regularly on my progress in support raising and then while I am in England about what God is doing and how I am serving. I also hope to post articles and other information that will help you get a better sense of the need in England and what the Lord is doing.

Along those lines, I would encourage you to look at the information at the bottom of the blog especially the two links I have posted under "related links"

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