Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post from the UK

Hello to all of you. Life has been a little crazy here getting settled and having to start work immediately because of the university schedule and not having internet at the house due to stuff out of our hands.

In any case, I have figured out the bus system and am trying to get in touch with the evangelical college ministries at the local universities (called Christian Unions or CUs) I am also starting stuff with the church like leading their mid week bible study about once a month. My first one is a week from last tonight...and starting the study program and some other things.

Please pray for:

The ability to get all that I need done 
My continued adjustment to a very new place
That I would be able to make good connections with the CU's soon!

Thanks to all of you I've included some pictures below and will fill you all in, in greater detail, in the next few weeks.

Blessings to you in our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Mom and I at Dulles Airport

A close up of the same

My room with my back to the window (see below)

My room with my back to the door (see above)

The house


  1. The house looks so English! And so pleasant! I'll be praying for you, Ben. Thanks for the updates. Keep them coming!

    God bless

  2. We'll be continuing to pray for your work there, Ben! There is a lot of adjustment in the first few weeks and I'll be praying that you are able to work through that and that the Lord sends you an encourager, a friend in your ministry to the people there. Thanks for the update!
