Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gifts of God from 2011 and "Happy New Year"

Dear Family and Friends,
            Since I am too late to wish you a Happy Christmas (as many British People say), I want to wish you a very Happy New Year. Whether 2011 has been, for you, a year of joy or a year of trial, or something in between, I hope God has blessed you with a greater sense of who He is, His grace towards you, and an ever keener desire to love and serve Him As we approach a new year, entrusting it to the loving care of our Heavenly Father, I am mindful that our enemies, sin, the flesh, and the devil, are, as ready to seek our harm as ever, but also that, if we are in Christ, God, who is able to make us stand, has redeemed us with His own precious blood to make us a nation of kings and priest to Himself and so has undertaken to guide, sustain, and bless us. As we go into this New Year, may you be continually blessed with a sense of the friendship of the Almighty God our King, Savior, Father, and Friend!
            I also wanted to take a few moments to look back on 2011 and share with you three gifts God gave me this past year:
First Graduation, when I began University in the fall of 2007, the spring of 2011, seem incredibly far off. Four years later, that spring has now come and gone. It’s hard to believe. In some ways, those years were years of difficulty and struggle and, in other ways, years of blessing and growth. I look back and thank God for the gifts that were symbolized in my graduation this May. I thank Him for His sustaining care, for success in my studies, and for the friendships He gave me.    
Receiving my diploma
Second, Provision to serve in England, We serve an awe inspiring God and too often I think we have too little views of who He is and what He is doing. At the beginning of this year (2011), I had been accepted to work in England, after I graduated, and I had begun to support raise, yet I only had about 17% of the support I needed. Even by July, I had only raised half of what I needed…and then God opened the flood gates. In just a month and a half, He provided the rest, in a clear confirmation that He indeed wanted me to serve Him here. This experience was definitely faith building, and in the end it powerfully demonstrated that my provision is from the Lord. So I want to first and foremost thank and praise Him for the wonderful gift of providing for me to serve here. However, I also want to thank each one of you who have given or are praying, or both. What I am doing, supporting the Church here in England, is not possible without your support, and I do not take that for granted! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! 
Mum and I at the Airport in D. C.

Third, A Growing Heart for England. Something that has become clear over the last several months is that God has placed me here in England for a reason. I have been told, in fact, that I am more English than the English. (I’m sure there was a little exaggeration involvedJ). But the point is that God has given me a personality that really fits well over here. Secondly though, God has been giving me another gift, and that is a deepening heart for the spiritual need here. It is no small thing to leave one’s family, nation, and culture behind and set up in a different land, and one feels this, more than ever, in these times of the year. However, there is a reason, and that is the many, many lost souls of this land and the incredible need for good churches where these lost souls and  also starving Christians can here God’s Word and grow in knowledge and love of Him. Just before Christmas, I was organizing the distribution of the Christmas edition of an evangelical newspaper around the neighborhood where the church meets. Please pray that God would use these to bring some of the people who live in the neighborhood to visit with us. Please, pray for the planting of more good churches here, for men to lead them, for the training of ministers, for the raising up of people to be in core groups etc. This is where my heart is and, no question, that is one of the biggest gifts God gave me this past year. 
Preparing for Distribution

Christmas Edition of the Evangelical Times

The first batch folded and in bags ready for delivery
As I look back, I cannot help but be blessed. My Heavenly Father has indeed showered me with gifts this past year and I praise Him for it. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 12, 2011

A few Things

I hope each one of you is doing well! As for me, I feel so blessed by the church I am able to be a part of and serve over here, but I am also incredibly blessed by the church I have back in Blacksburg and the many friends I have scattered about in Virginia and other places who will be receiving this. It is such a blessing to partner with you for the building up of Christ’s Church, and for the glory of God in the proclamation of the Gospel. Thank you all again so very much for your support, and your prayers. I cannot say enough how much they are appreciated!

I want to update you on two fronts. 1) Outreach over Christmas 2) Outreach in the New Year.

Outreach over Christmas – The church has bought several hundred copies of the Christmas edition of a Christian newspaper called the “Evangelical Times” and stamped each copy with the church’s name and address. Now we plan to distribute them in the neighborhoods around the community centre where we meet, and I am coordinating the distribution. Please pray that God may be pleased to use these to bring some people, in the surrounding area, to come and visit us.

Outreach in the New Year – The church is running one and maybe two Christianity Explored courses starting in January. Christianity Explored is an evangelistic Bible study that was developed in England and which the church has used before. For more information follow the link to the church’s web page describing a typical evening. GPC’s Christianity Explored. I will be helping with these and my housemates and I may even be hosting one in our house. We have some people that have already shown interest, but please pray for them and others to come, and regularly. Also pray for boldness amongst our members as we invite people.

As for me personally, I am doing very well. God has blessed my time here in ways that are greater than I could have asked or imagined, but not always the ways I had in mind. He has also been really deepening my heart for this country and the great need there is here for good churches!  For Christmas I will be going home with one of my housemates to Northern Ireland. I wish each one of you a Merry Christmas. Thanks for your prayers!

Pictures from Church

Here are some pictures from Lords Day 11 December 2011
         These pictures have been taken and chosen deliberately to try and give you just a little taste of Gateshead Presbyterian Church. There is a reason why I have, as the first picture, a picture of the pulpit. We are a church which is God centered, and therefore we are Word centered. God has chosen to speak to His people in His written Word and through the preaching of it. So we believe that being God centered and Word centered are one and the same, and we are privileged to be richly fed every Lord's Day by the faithful preaching of that Word!
         The second prominent thing I hope you will notice is that we are a church full of life. We have members that range, in age, from 90 to less than 1, and almost every age bracket is represented. In addition, we are a family, but not a static family. The church is made up of several strong and loving families, but we, as a church are a family as well. A few of the pictures below are from our "tea and coffee time" after the morning service and in some ways it bears more resemblance to some family reunions than after an after church time. When people visit our church, and we do have a fair about of visitors, they are welcomes into a warm and loving family environment.

MAKE SURE to click the link to "read more" at the end of the post otherwise you will not see all the pictures!

The Pulpit
Where we meet (Tea and Coffee time after the morning service)

Some of the Older Girls chatting after the Morning Service
Two of the Little Girls