Monday, December 12, 2011

Pictures from Church

Here are some pictures from Lords Day 11 December 2011
         These pictures have been taken and chosen deliberately to try and give you just a little taste of Gateshead Presbyterian Church. There is a reason why I have, as the first picture, a picture of the pulpit. We are a church which is God centered, and therefore we are Word centered. God has chosen to speak to His people in His written Word and through the preaching of it. So we believe that being God centered and Word centered are one and the same, and we are privileged to be richly fed every Lord's Day by the faithful preaching of that Word!
         The second prominent thing I hope you will notice is that we are a church full of life. We have members that range, in age, from 90 to less than 1, and almost every age bracket is represented. In addition, we are a family, but not a static family. The church is made up of several strong and loving families, but we, as a church are a family as well. A few of the pictures below are from our "tea and coffee time" after the morning service and in some ways it bears more resemblance to some family reunions than after an after church time. When people visit our church, and we do have a fair about of visitors, they are welcomes into a warm and loving family environment.

MAKE SURE to click the link to "read more" at the end of the post otherwise you will not see all the pictures!

The Pulpit
Where we meet (Tea and Coffee time after the morning service)

Some of the Older Girls chatting after the Morning Service
Two of the Little Girls

Some of the youth with me (from left to right: Amy, Joy, Peter, Sarah, Anna)

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