Friday, April 1, 2011

Prayer Requests 4/1/11

Here are a few prayer requests:
  • Pray for travel mercies for me as a travel to Mississippi to a pastors conference to meet Rev. Schweitzer and meet other pastors.
  • Also pray that this will open up opportunites for me to visit churches for support raising farther afield than the Blue Ridge Presbytery. 
  • Pray for patience and diligence for me. Sometime it feels like I am talking to many people but little result in terms of fund raising are coming from it. Funds are not the only part of support raising and I love telling people about the needs in England and I appreciate people's prayers regardless. The Spirit of God is the one who has to make this thing go not money. However, the fact is that I need the money to go and it can be a little discouraging when I seem to be making very little progress in this area. Again pray that my response would be to trust in God.
  • Pray that my heart for England and the spread of the gospel and the strengthening of God's Church there would continue to grow.

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