Friday, July 22, 2011

Gateshead: Some History and an Update

Dear Support Team,
           I hope all of you are doing well! I have not up-dated you in a while so I wanted to do that. Also I thought many of you might be interested in learning a little bit more about Gateshead. So the following is a little overview of the History of Gateshead and then a little report on how I am doing, below I have also posted some pictures of Gateshead. I hope you all enjoy!

Until the 19th century Gateshead was not really that significant so there does not seems to be a great deal of information on it. However, from what I have read there seems to have been a settlement there at least by Roman times. The Romans built a fort where Newcastle is today right across the river from Gateshead. There was also a monetary there in Saxon times mentioned by the ancient English historian Bede. During the Medieval era and indeed till the late 1600’s the town was governed by the Bishop of Durham. However in the 19th century the town saw exponential growth. According to one source in the late 18th century the population was only around 7500 but a hundred years later it had risen to 110,000.

In addition the 19th century saw the industrialization of the town. This brought growth, but it also saw the increase of slums, disease, and other problems. Finally, in the 20th century Gateshead remained an industrial town, but many of the decrepit 19th century slums were clear away. Today Gateshead seems very different. A quick perusal of the Gateshead local government website reveals the opening of a new park, announces the 2011 summer flower show, and many other things. In addition, and in contrast to the slums of the 19th century Gateshead now has several unique and cool looking structures foremost among which is the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, a bride for walkers and bikers and is the only bridge of its kind in the world! (See pictures)
            As you know though, I am not going because of the architecture, but the people. It has been interesting to hear the responses of British people when they hear I am going to Gateshead. A Scotsman who had lived in Gateshead told me that it was good I was going there since I would find the people more friendly and less in my face about the English being right about everything than if I were in the south of England, one the other hand some friends from the south of England grimaced and told me that I would come back with a horrible accent! Most important though is that fact that out of the 1 million people in the greater Newcastle/Gateshead metropolitan area the vast majority are still at enmity with God. They are slaves to the desires of their bodies and the minds as Paul describes unbelievers in Ephesians 2; they need God to invade their lives with His gospel through His church!

It is for this reason that I am going to Gateshead. I hope this has helped you get a little better picture for Gateshead. I myself of course still only have a vague picture, but I hope it helps you to pray for the thousands of people there who need the Gospel of God’s grace!

These are the sites I used as sources for the above: 
 Gateshead Then and Now

 A Short History of Gateshead

 Gateshead Council - Millennium Bridge

 Gateshead Council - Home

Since I wrote last I had the privilege of visiting with a church in Winchester, VA. I got a whole Sunday School hour to present and was able to attend a church picnic afterward. It was a great and hopeful fruitful time and I enjoyed I really enjoyed the fellowship.  

I have also been working on my visa and have just sent that to the British consulate in New York. Please pray for that to be processed quickly! Also, last night I visited with a gathering of old friends in Blacksburg at a dessert night to share about the need in England, what is going on there and what I will be doing. Finally, next weekend I will be in Richmond for a few similar engagements
      Right now I am at 68% of my need raised. Support keeps coming in and I am continuing to pursue the opportunities and follow up with people, however things are coming down to the wire so please pray for God to work mightily! I still have at least $10,000 to raise in just over a month. God is powerful, and He can do it, but your prayers before the throne of grace are much appreciated!

In Christ,


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