Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gifts of God from 2011 and "Happy New Year"

Dear Family and Friends,
            Since I am too late to wish you a Happy Christmas (as many British People say), I want to wish you a very Happy New Year. Whether 2011 has been, for you, a year of joy or a year of trial, or something in between, I hope God has blessed you with a greater sense of who He is, His grace towards you, and an ever keener desire to love and serve Him As we approach a new year, entrusting it to the loving care of our Heavenly Father, I am mindful that our enemies, sin, the flesh, and the devil, are, as ready to seek our harm as ever, but also that, if we are in Christ, God, who is able to make us stand, has redeemed us with His own precious blood to make us a nation of kings and priest to Himself and so has undertaken to guide, sustain, and bless us. As we go into this New Year, may you be continually blessed with a sense of the friendship of the Almighty God our King, Savior, Father, and Friend!
            I also wanted to take a few moments to look back on 2011 and share with you three gifts God gave me this past year:
First Graduation, when I began University in the fall of 2007, the spring of 2011, seem incredibly far off. Four years later, that spring has now come and gone. It’s hard to believe. In some ways, those years were years of difficulty and struggle and, in other ways, years of blessing and growth. I look back and thank God for the gifts that were symbolized in my graduation this May. I thank Him for His sustaining care, for success in my studies, and for the friendships He gave me.    
Receiving my diploma
Second, Provision to serve in England, We serve an awe inspiring God and too often I think we have too little views of who He is and what He is doing. At the beginning of this year (2011), I had been accepted to work in England, after I graduated, and I had begun to support raise, yet I only had about 17% of the support I needed. Even by July, I had only raised half of what I needed…and then God opened the flood gates. In just a month and a half, He provided the rest, in a clear confirmation that He indeed wanted me to serve Him here. This experience was definitely faith building, and in the end it powerfully demonstrated that my provision is from the Lord. So I want to first and foremost thank and praise Him for the wonderful gift of providing for me to serve here. However, I also want to thank each one of you who have given or are praying, or both. What I am doing, supporting the Church here in England, is not possible without your support, and I do not take that for granted! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! 
Mum and I at the Airport in D. C.

Third, A Growing Heart for England. Something that has become clear over the last several months is that God has placed me here in England for a reason. I have been told, in fact, that I am more English than the English. (I’m sure there was a little exaggeration involvedJ). But the point is that God has given me a personality that really fits well over here. Secondly though, God has been giving me another gift, and that is a deepening heart for the spiritual need here. It is no small thing to leave one’s family, nation, and culture behind and set up in a different land, and one feels this, more than ever, in these times of the year. However, there is a reason, and that is the many, many lost souls of this land and the incredible need for good churches where these lost souls and  also starving Christians can here God’s Word and grow in knowledge and love of Him. Just before Christmas, I was organizing the distribution of the Christmas edition of an evangelical newspaper around the neighborhood where the church meets. Please pray that God would use these to bring some of the people who live in the neighborhood to visit with us. Please, pray for the planting of more good churches here, for men to lead them, for the training of ministers, for the raising up of people to be in core groups etc. This is where my heart is and, no question, that is one of the biggest gifts God gave me this past year. 
Preparing for Distribution

Christmas Edition of the Evangelical Times

The first batch folded and in bags ready for delivery
As I look back, I cannot help but be blessed. My Heavenly Father has indeed showered me with gifts this past year and I praise Him for it. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 12, 2011

A few Things

I hope each one of you is doing well! As for me, I feel so blessed by the church I am able to be a part of and serve over here, but I am also incredibly blessed by the church I have back in Blacksburg and the many friends I have scattered about in Virginia and other places who will be receiving this. It is such a blessing to partner with you for the building up of Christ’s Church, and for the glory of God in the proclamation of the Gospel. Thank you all again so very much for your support, and your prayers. I cannot say enough how much they are appreciated!

I want to update you on two fronts. 1) Outreach over Christmas 2) Outreach in the New Year.

Outreach over Christmas – The church has bought several hundred copies of the Christmas edition of a Christian newspaper called the “Evangelical Times” and stamped each copy with the church’s name and address. Now we plan to distribute them in the neighborhoods around the community centre where we meet, and I am coordinating the distribution. Please pray that God may be pleased to use these to bring some people, in the surrounding area, to come and visit us.

Outreach in the New Year – The church is running one and maybe two Christianity Explored courses starting in January. Christianity Explored is an evangelistic Bible study that was developed in England and which the church has used before. For more information follow the link to the church’s web page describing a typical evening. GPC’s Christianity Explored. I will be helping with these and my housemates and I may even be hosting one in our house. We have some people that have already shown interest, but please pray for them and others to come, and regularly. Also pray for boldness amongst our members as we invite people.

As for me personally, I am doing very well. God has blessed my time here in ways that are greater than I could have asked or imagined, but not always the ways I had in mind. He has also been really deepening my heart for this country and the great need there is here for good churches!  For Christmas I will be going home with one of my housemates to Northern Ireland. I wish each one of you a Merry Christmas. Thanks for your prayers!

Pictures from Church

Here are some pictures from Lords Day 11 December 2011
         These pictures have been taken and chosen deliberately to try and give you just a little taste of Gateshead Presbyterian Church. There is a reason why I have, as the first picture, a picture of the pulpit. We are a church which is God centered, and therefore we are Word centered. God has chosen to speak to His people in His written Word and through the preaching of it. So we believe that being God centered and Word centered are one and the same, and we are privileged to be richly fed every Lord's Day by the faithful preaching of that Word!
         The second prominent thing I hope you will notice is that we are a church full of life. We have members that range, in age, from 90 to less than 1, and almost every age bracket is represented. In addition, we are a family, but not a static family. The church is made up of several strong and loving families, but we, as a church are a family as well. A few of the pictures below are from our "tea and coffee time" after the morning service and in some ways it bears more resemblance to some family reunions than after an after church time. When people visit our church, and we do have a fair about of visitors, they are welcomes into a warm and loving family environment.

MAKE SURE to click the link to "read more" at the end of the post otherwise you will not see all the pictures!

The Pulpit
Where we meet (Tea and Coffee time after the morning service)

Some of the Older Girls chatting after the Morning Service
Two of the Little Girls

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22

It was a good day today. I am preparing to lead the mid week Bible Study tomorrow night. Pray that God would bless my preparation.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prayer Requests

 The Church:
  • There are several people hanging around the outskirts of the church at the moment please pray that they would be brought into closer fellowship with us and into membership.
  • The New Christianity Explored (CE) class will start this coming January. Christianity Explore is an evangelistic Bible Study and the Church has run it several times in the past with much blessing. Please pray that church members would be given good opportunities to invite their friends, neighbors, and family. 
  • Please pray for nonchrisitians that will come along to CE that God will even now be preparing their hearts.
  • We had about 30 visitors last Lord's Day in connection to a baptism (all friends and family) and most of them if not all of them were not Christians. They heard a brilliant gospel sermon and several of them seemed receptive. Please pray.

 My Ministry:
  • Pray for the opportunity at the school.
  • Pray for wisdom and diligence for me as I help with the youth, lead and prepare Bible Studies and support the work of the church in several different ways
  • Pray for God to open a door to better reach out to University Students. A few weeks ago there seemed to be a door opening up to assist some of the CU leaders and then it was closed although it might still be cracked. Please pray for this.
If you would like to receive my regular email updates and are not, please contact me at

Friday, October 28, 2011

Last Weekend

As I was thinking about what to right for this update it dawned on me that a brief summary of last weekend would give you a good glimpse my life and work here so far.

Friday: One of the ways I am helping the church here is by getting some things done that no one has time to do.  This might seem far removed from spreading the gospel, but actually it is very connected.  God in his Word has told us how He reaches out to this fallen word and that is through His Church.  Therefore, all that I do to support the church here is actually enabling it to better reach out to the community.  So Friday, during the day, I was refurbishing one of the signs the church sets out of the community center where it meets.  That night I went to the CU meeting at the University of Northumbria.  The student side of things has been a bit frustrating and there have been a lot of road blocks, but last Friday I was able to have a few good conversations with students about the struggle we have to value God’s grace.  I also had some good friendly conversations about everyday things like music and just felt I was being to break the ice with some of them.  So far all I have been able to do is just to try and lay ground work, really. Raising the profile of Gateshead Pres and trying to make personal contact with students and so any little encouragements like this are amazing!  Please pray that God would continue to open up doors among students and guide us in how to best reach out to them.

Saturday: Most of Saturday was taken up doing chores around the garden.  We have a large hedge that goes all the way around the house and at least one neighbor had let up know that it needed trimming so we barrowed a heavy duty petrol trimmer and away we went. (See pictures on blog)  We also had a good conversation with another neighbor and hope to get to know more of them in the near future.  Please pray for our witness to them.  My housemates are really great Christian guys and their fellowship has definitely been one of the highlights of my time here so far.  Then Saturday Evening I organize a social for YP (the youth group or young people’s club).   We had the group over to our house and ate sweets, played games, and took a night walk to the lake owned by the subdivision we live in.  A great time was had by all!

The Lord’s Day: Sunday was just a normal Lord’s Day.  Morning Worship, followed by fellowship after church over tea and biscuits (cookies), followed by open house with the 20 somethings crowd of the church at the house of one of the families in the church, followed by evening worship and more fellowship.  It is hard to describe the sweetness of fellowship on these Lord’s Days.  One feels spiritual and intellectually stimulated and yet they are wonderfully relaxing too!

Hopefully that gives you a little glimpse into my life and work here. I continue to covet your prayers. Please pray:

  • For open doors regarding students. Particularly pray for me tonight as I go again to another CU meeting that God would be opening up opportunities for me to build friendships.

  • For the opportunity I have to help out with the CU in a local public secondary school. This is taking longer than I hoped to get set up, but I am very excited about the opportunity especially because it will give me the opportunity to reach out to new Christians and non Christian students. Please pray that this would get swiftly set up. 
Our newly trimmed front hedge

Housemate Nathan trimming

House mate Ben vacuuming in our Living Room. You can see how good a room it is for entertaining i.e. YP social :) 

I do have a third house mate but he was gone most of the day on Saturday so regrettably I didn't get a picture.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Church

It is hard to express how much I have fallen in love with Gateshead Presbyterian Church! GPC is a place where God’s word is preached and lived without compromise, but in a spirit of love and joy! We care deeply about truth, but we also care that truth changes our lives.

As for my work, I led the Wednesday night bible study for the first time last week and it went well. I certainly have room to improve; but am grateful that Bill (the pastor) is working with me to better expound God’s word.

I have also started helping out with the YP (young peoples’) group. This is a vibrant group kids ranging in age from around 6 or 7 to 17. The majority of them are from GPC but the group also functions as the “youth group” for two other local churches as well. The normal meeting is two hours. During the first hour, we have a study with both teaching and discussion in smaller groups. During the second hour, the lads normally play football and the girls do other things (not being a girl I don’t know the details). This past Saturday, we spent the second hour sharing our musical talent with each other, for the glory of God. Unfortunately, my violin was 3,000 miles away, but it worked out. The group is fully of musical talent though, and a fun time was had by all.For more information, see the Young People's Club page on the church website.

Please pray that God would continue to protect and establish Gateshead Presbyterian Church, it is a bright light in a dark land. Also, there are a number of young Christians and seekers that the church is currently reaching out to. Please pray that God would do a work in these individuals heart to either strengthen or give them faith. Finally, the fact that GPC has so many young people who know their God and value the solid teaching they are receiving cannot be a joy to the devil. Pray that God would continue to grow them. They are the next generation of His people. 

GPC YP on their annual Adventure Camp preparing to go climbing

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Unis

King's Gate: a relatively new building on Newcastle University's Campus. It is basically the student services building.

Looking up into the main central part of the Newcastle University Campus

The Student Union Building

Really up until this past weekend it was looking like I was not getting anywhere with the Universities or “Unis.” I had tried pretty much everything I could and still hadn’t heard back from the leaders of the Christian Unions. However, through God’s providence, prayer was answered, and we are now signed up to participate in the “Church Search” Programs at both the University of Northumbria and at Newcastle University! This means that for the next 4 weeks (starting on Sunday) we will show up at the Student Unions and offer rides to students from the Christian Unions who are looking for a church. I am really excited about this!! Please pray that at least a few students will decided to check out GPC. (Gateshead Presbyterian Church)

A Funny Story
            So I went Tuesday to get some fliers printed off for the church searches. The place I was going to was in Gateshead and had done some work for the church before, however when I got there I was told that the place had moved to Annfield Plain. Well Gateshead is really, for the most part, a collection of a number of smaller places so I didn’t even think anything of it and just hopped on a bus headed there. In due course though, I realized that Annfield Plain was a village about 45min. from Gateshead.  Not exactly what I had in mind… I found the shop I was looking for though and since I needed it to be started ASAP I got them to do the printing. However, if there is a next time…I will be looking for a place closer to home. J  (On the plus side I did get some required reading done and got to see a bit of the beautiful countryside, so the time wasn’t totally wasted.)

Check the bottom of the blog for more information

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post from the UK

Hello to all of you. Life has been a little crazy here getting settled and having to start work immediately because of the university schedule and not having internet at the house due to stuff out of our hands.

In any case, I have figured out the bus system and am trying to get in touch with the evangelical college ministries at the local universities (called Christian Unions or CUs) I am also starting stuff with the church like leading their mid week bible study about once a month. My first one is a week from last tonight...and starting the study program and some other things.

Please pray for:

The ability to get all that I need done 
My continued adjustment to a very new place
That I would be able to make good connections with the CU's soon!

Thanks to all of you I've included some pictures below and will fill you all in, in greater detail, in the next few weeks.

Blessings to you in our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Mom and I at Dulles Airport

A close up of the same

My room with my back to the window (see below)

My room with my back to the door (see above)

The house

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Final Post from the US

Dear Support Team,
            It has been a while since I updated you all. In the last half month, I took my sister on a week-long trip to several historical sites in Virginia for her birthday. She turned 10 years old on the 21st of August. The rest of the time has been mostly spent in getting all the details taken care of to leave and saying good bye to many friends. I have been blessed in this because my time here ended up overlapping with the beginning of the fall semester at Virginia Tech so many of my friends were back in town and I was able to share lunch or dinner with them.
            As for packing, I am almost done that. Just the last odd and n’s need to be added now, I have added a picture at the end of the post to prove that I have indeed been packing! ( Sometime it seems really crazy that I leave on Tuesday! Yet I know that God has called me to be in Gateshead and I am greatly looking forward finally getting over there and starting to serve! I will fly out late on Tuesday and arrive in Gateshead a little after noon on Wednesday (UK time.) Please pray that:
·         God will grant me a smooth transition to English culture
·         That my flights and connections will go safely and smoothly
·         That God will be continuing to prepare my heart for the work He has for me.

Thank you for your prayers! Be looking for more updates and pictures in the near future!

In His Service,


My room in disarray from packing

Abigail and I in Williamsburg

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Ticket

Buying my ticket Monday or Tuesday and hopefully arriving in Gateshead on September 7!! Only $3,500 left to raise to be fully funded!! Keep praying!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Jumpers Even for Dudes"

Getting Ready    
Now that I am so close to leaving, I am starting to think about packing. What will I need? What can I do without? What will I need for over there that is different from what I need over here? etc. I know the weather is bitter cold, colder than I have ever experienced. When I was in Ireland, it was June, but it felt like April, and Gateshead is even more northerly than southern Ireland. So long sleeves, long pants, jackets and layers for sure, but there are other things to think about as well. For example, I've been told on good authority not to where tennis shoes unless I'm doing some sort of sports activity. Well I have that one covered (that's what I do anyway for the most part), but it brings up the point that as in many instances the English do stuff differently and I need to be prepared. Rain of course is another huge thing. I will definitely be buying a good rain suit...and I image it might easily be the most used rain suit I will ever own!
     As part of all this, I have been talking to people who have a better idea than I about what I should bring, and one of those people is another MTW intern who was in Gateshead for the summer and just got back. In her FB message reply to my questions, one of her suggestions to stave off the cold was to bring sweaters...or jumpers. She explained, "aka jumpers there....even for the dudes." So that is the story behind my title. It also goes to show again just what I'm in adjustment to a different culture. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.

My Status:
I now have my visa, as you all know, so now the big things are buying a ticket and getting the rest of my support. On the ticket front my MTW coach and I have started the process of buying one and hopefully it will be bought in the next day or so. Pray please for an affordable ticket. I do know however that I will be able to have 3 free bags which is a huge Praise the Lord! I'm having to pack my life into suit cases so it was a relief to know that I will have more than just one to pack it into.  Also I will probably be going Washington to London to Newcastle. Please pray for a not too short a layover in London. I have flown internationally before but would rather not have to worry about whether I'm going to make it through immigration in time to catch my next flight for instance. I'll let you all know when the date is as soon as I know. (However, it looks like it will probably be like the 7th of September)

As for the rest of my support, it's a little complicated. About a month ago I didn't know if I was going to be able to raise the whole amount so I started talking with MTW about my options. They have a policy which says that missionaries have to be raise 100% of their support to go to the field so I talked with them about committing for 8months and then trying to raise the last two months worth from England which would allow me to extend my time there to match just about the original length of time I was shooting for. However, God has been really gracious!! This is my present situation. I need:

$1,320.00 more for 8 months
$3,724.00 more for 10 months (in other words to be fully raised)

So basically I'm almost there for the 8 months and really it is quite possible that I could leave fully raise (for the 10months) which would be an incredible blessing from God!! Thank you all so much for making this ministry possible with all your giving and and prayers! I covet your prayers for the last little bit of support and also throughout my time in England. I will be keeping you updated!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Almost There!!

A big praise to God: MY VISA HAS BEEN ISSUED. I was afraid it would not be issued for several more weeks, at least, because of when I submitted it, but God is good, and it made it through in about as little time as it could have!!

Also I'm down to needing only about $3,000 to go and $6,000 to be fully funded!! God has worked wondrous things! About $13,000 has come in since July 1st and most of that has come in, in the last three weeks!

I will be getting a ticket probably in the next week or so and will be keeping you all updated. Please pray for the last little bit to come in!!

(This is just a sort of mini update. I will send a fuller one within the next week) 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gateshead: Some History and an Update

Dear Support Team,
           I hope all of you are doing well! I have not up-dated you in a while so I wanted to do that. Also I thought many of you might be interested in learning a little bit more about Gateshead. So the following is a little overview of the History of Gateshead and then a little report on how I am doing, below I have also posted some pictures of Gateshead. I hope you all enjoy!

Until the 19th century Gateshead was not really that significant so there does not seems to be a great deal of information on it. However, from what I have read there seems to have been a settlement there at least by Roman times. The Romans built a fort where Newcastle is today right across the river from Gateshead. There was also a monetary there in Saxon times mentioned by the ancient English historian Bede. During the Medieval era and indeed till the late 1600’s the town was governed by the Bishop of Durham. However in the 19th century the town saw exponential growth. According to one source in the late 18th century the population was only around 7500 but a hundred years later it had risen to 110,000.

In addition the 19th century saw the industrialization of the town. This brought growth, but it also saw the increase of slums, disease, and other problems. Finally, in the 20th century Gateshead remained an industrial town, but many of the decrepit 19th century slums were clear away. Today Gateshead seems very different. A quick perusal of the Gateshead local government website reveals the opening of a new park, announces the 2011 summer flower show, and many other things. In addition, and in contrast to the slums of the 19th century Gateshead now has several unique and cool looking structures foremost among which is the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, a bride for walkers and bikers and is the only bridge of its kind in the world! (See pictures)
            As you know though, I am not going because of the architecture, but the people. It has been interesting to hear the responses of British people when they hear I am going to Gateshead. A Scotsman who had lived in Gateshead told me that it was good I was going there since I would find the people more friendly and less in my face about the English being right about everything than if I were in the south of England, one the other hand some friends from the south of England grimaced and told me that I would come back with a horrible accent! Most important though is that fact that out of the 1 million people in the greater Newcastle/Gateshead metropolitan area the vast majority are still at enmity with God. They are slaves to the desires of their bodies and the minds as Paul describes unbelievers in Ephesians 2; they need God to invade their lives with His gospel through His church!

It is for this reason that I am going to Gateshead. I hope this has helped you get a little better picture for Gateshead. I myself of course still only have a vague picture, but I hope it helps you to pray for the thousands of people there who need the Gospel of God’s grace!

These are the sites I used as sources for the above: 
 Gateshead Then and Now

 A Short History of Gateshead

 Gateshead Council - Millennium Bridge

 Gateshead Council - Home

Since I wrote last I had the privilege of visiting with a church in Winchester, VA. I got a whole Sunday School hour to present and was able to attend a church picnic afterward. It was a great and hopeful fruitful time and I enjoyed I really enjoyed the fellowship.  

I have also been working on my visa and have just sent that to the British consulate in New York. Please pray for that to be processed quickly! Also, last night I visited with a gathering of old friends in Blacksburg at a dessert night to share about the need in England, what is going on there and what I will be doing. Finally, next weekend I will be in Richmond for a few similar engagements
      Right now I am at 68% of my need raised. Support keeps coming in and I am continuing to pursue the opportunities and follow up with people, however things are coming down to the wire so please pray for God to work mightily! I still have at least $10,000 to raise in just over a month. God is powerful, and He can do it, but your prayers before the throne of grace are much appreciated!

In Christ,


Views of Gateshead

Gateshead Millennium Bridge
The Angel of the North (supposedly an icon of Northern England)
A View of Newcastle from Gateshead Just Across the River
The Millennium Bridge Doing Its Signature Tilt

High Street, Gateshead

Walker Terrace, Gateshead

The Sage (A musical arts building and concert hall)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I leave in SEPTEMBER!!! Just two months I am very excited at the thought I finally getting "to the field!!" I can't imagine how awesome it will be the first Lord's Day I get to worship with Gateshead Pres. after they have been praying for me every Sunday for so long! In addition though I still have a ways to go support wise and so I am praying and believing that God is going to sometime big in the next few months. It would be sinful to tell God what He must do on my behalf, but I am praying in faith knowing whatever He does in these next two months will be good!

The visit to Christ the King went ok thank you all for your prayers. I had a few people show interest, but also at lunch after the service at the pastor house I made an important contact that may open up other doors! Also, I will be traveling the next three weeks the first week just for a family reunion, but the other two with support raising engagements. I will be sharing with a church in Winchester VA on the 17th of July and to a group of people at a dinner in Richmond the following weekend.  I also have a few other group presentations and church visits around Blacksburg in the next month. Please pray that God would use these powerfully to raise the support I need!

A Better Picture of What I Will Be Doing 
In England the bulk of my ministry will be with students. Bill Schweitzer, the pastor I will be working under, wants to see a university ministry started out of the church for students at the Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria.

The University of Newcastle has its origins in the mid 19th century and is an up and coming research  school in the UK with an emphasis in the technical fields. It attracts students from all over the world.

The following is from the website of the University of Northumbria:
Northumbria University, in Newcastle upon Tyne, is an expanding multicultural learning community, with excellent links with further and higher education, industry and commerce throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. Renowned for the excellence of its teaching, as well as for preparing students for the world of work, Northumbria also provides research opportunities for professional reflective practice.

Both of these Universities are full of students who need to hear the gospel and Gateshead Pres is one of the few places in Newcastle where they can. I will be working to start a ministry out of the church to these students. There is also an intern at the Durham (UK) church who will be helping me with this since I have never gone to university in the UK.

 In addition, I will probably be helping mentor young Christians and interested non believers at a local "Christian Ethos" school. This school is called a "Christian Ethos school" because it was started off of money that was left by a Christian. He wanted for it to be used to start a Christian school but the government would not allow that somehow. They would however let him leave it for a Christian ethos school. The difference is that they cannot hire only Christian teachers or have only Christian students, but they can endeavor to have certain Christian principal influence the school. Below are quotes from their website:

Emmanuel College was founded in 1990 as Tyneside's City Technology College (CTC) and opened with just 150 Year 7 students.  Popular with parents from the start because of its high expectations, academic rigour and strong disciplinary standards, the school was soon extended to accommodate a larger intake.  Emmanuel now educates 1,250 students across the 11-19 age range.  Although regularly two to one over-subscribed, Emmanuel maintains a comprehensive intake, ensuring that the IQ and socioeconomic status of students admitted mirrors the catchment area of inner-city Gateshead and Newcastle.

Ofsted has awarded it the highest grading of 'Outstanding' in all four of its full inspections to date (1995, 2000, 2006 and 2009) as well as in their two additional survey visits (2007 and 2010), and they recognise the crucial role played by the College's Christian ethos in the College's remarkable achievements.
The reason why this is important is that many of the kids are not believers, but because of the Christian ethos part, Gateshead Presbyterian has a good relationship with the school and has a ministry to its students. According to Bill, God is doing exciting things among them and while another guy will be leading this ministry, I will be involved in it helping to hold out the gospel to these students.

 I have been a student virtually all my life and a university student the last four years and therefore I am very excited about the opportunity to minister to students! Having just finished a minor in religion at a secular university I have rubbed shoulders with people who are very skeptical of the truth of Scripture. Yet out of this has come a desire to see God humble the hearts of worldly skeptics that He might make them His children. As I go to England, and especially deal with students, I will be reaching out to student who are in most cases very skeptical and I pray that God will bless my efforts as I seek to point them to God's truth and His Church! 

My Support Status
           Right now I have raised all my one time expense and around 5 months worth of my monthly expenses which equals 56% of my over all budget. Obviously  I have a long way to go before September, but I am continuing to make progress. Just to give a little perspective. I need 36 more supporter at 50/month or 72 at $25 or the equivalent of one of these.

Links of Interest
Gateshead Presbyterian Church (the Church I will be working at) -
Emmanuel College Gateshead -
EPCEW Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (the denomination GPC is apart of) -
University of Newcastle -
University of Northumbria -

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Milestone Passed and a Prayer Request.

Hello All,
      This is just a little note to let you all know that I just ran the numbers earlier today and I am at 50% of my support right now. I still have a long way to go but things are continuing to pick up and go faster. Praise God. Please continue to pray for open doors.

In particular, I will be visiting with a church in Roanoke VA this coming Sunday so please pray that several people in the congregation might be lead to support me!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exciting News and Need for Prayer

I just got confirmation today that the young men I will be living with this coming year in England have found a house!! This is really exciting news, but also puts the pressure on me to definitely get over to England by September. Please pray that God would be gracious in allowing that!!


Also I have decided to post an update once every two weeks. This is a revision to my earlier schedule for posts. I decided that this would probably be over load for you all and I would often not have much new to say if I posted twice a week.  I may sometime post more often though.

Now for the update:
           As many of you all know I am now support raising full time. Over the past couple of week I have had a few one-on-one meetings and have been regularly talking with people over the phone about what I will be doing in England and the possibility of supporting me. The result has been that May was so far my biggest month for giving. I praise God for this and pray that he will continue to prosper my efforts for it is God’s work. I am not sure that I have done anything else in my life that has forced me to rely so much on God as support raising. I am talking to people and getting the message out there, but I cannot make people give. Yet people are giving and new opportunities are opening up. Praise be to God!

This past week I have been at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America that is the business meeting of my denomination for pastors and elders. This week has been very encouraging and has opened up a few new opportunities as well as produced a few invitations to churches which I have been in contact with. This is of great encouragement to me and I hope it will be to you too.

I am now at around 40% of my budget, but have hope that this will soon go up based on the conversations that I have had recently. Please pray that God will continue to show people the need there is in England and open their hearts to partner with me as God wills.