Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Encouragement

This summer I have been trying to pray a prayer from the Book The Valley of Vision each morning and evening along with my Bible reading and spontaneous prayer. This book is a collection of Puritan prayers which are rich in God up lifting and holiness encouraging words and so I use it to help focus me on the wonders of our God. This morning I read these words about God in the prayer I was reading:

"In the works of creation thou art almighty
In the dispensations of providence all-wise,
In the gospel of grace all love."

There are many truths here but what stood out to me was that God is in control and that he loves me as His child and therefore I can trust Him to work everything for my good, as Paul says in Romans, even the dry spell I had been going through in support raising.

Later this day God in his providence saw fit to bring me some more encouragement when I look at my current totals of support. In the last few, days several new people have joined my support team financially and I have also had several good meeting or conversations with other people. The result is that I am already now pushing 30% of my goal for the amount of money I need to raise in June to stay on track. Not only that, but God is continuing to open up doors. However, please pray that God would be continuing to do so both with the many people I am contacting for the first time or following up with, but also with people whom God has not yet sent my way.  
So you see God has encouraged me again that He knows what He is doing and He is making this happen as I am faithful. Thank you for your prayers and I hope this is as encouraging to you as it is to me.

Also, I hope to start posting on here every Monday and Thursday and to include not only updates on me but several more posts on Gateshead Presbyterian Church, and also posts on topics that will help you as you continue to pray for GPC and for England.

1 comment:

  1. Great news, Ben! I'm glad to see prayer being answered. I'll continue to pray that the funds you need will materialize.
