Saturday, September 3, 2011

Final Post from the US

Dear Support Team,
            It has been a while since I updated you all. In the last half month, I took my sister on a week-long trip to several historical sites in Virginia for her birthday. She turned 10 years old on the 21st of August. The rest of the time has been mostly spent in getting all the details taken care of to leave and saying good bye to many friends. I have been blessed in this because my time here ended up overlapping with the beginning of the fall semester at Virginia Tech so many of my friends were back in town and I was able to share lunch or dinner with them.
            As for packing, I am almost done that. Just the last odd and n’s need to be added now, I have added a picture at the end of the post to prove that I have indeed been packing! ( Sometime it seems really crazy that I leave on Tuesday! Yet I know that God has called me to be in Gateshead and I am greatly looking forward finally getting over there and starting to serve! I will fly out late on Tuesday and arrive in Gateshead a little after noon on Wednesday (UK time.) Please pray that:
·         God will grant me a smooth transition to English culture
·         That my flights and connections will go safely and smoothly
·         That God will be continuing to prepare my heart for the work He has for me.

Thank you for your prayers! Be looking for more updates and pictures in the near future!

In His Service,


My room in disarray from packing

Abigail and I in Williamsburg

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