Friday, March 25, 2011

A Generation in Need of the Gospel!

This article from the BBC is an interesting look at the up and coming generations in England.

In the section on religion keep in mind the fact that just because about half of the children say they believe in a God does not mean that they have saving faith. Every person in their heart knows that there is a God whether they admit it or not. People may believe intellectually on some level that there is a God and yet be serving the idols of their hearts, even children. A case in point is that the article also reveals that earning lots of money and home ownership are the top aspirations these children. Sadly, when we combine this with church attendance of 7% to 2% the picture seems to be more one of a generation being train to be good idolatrous deists rather than children of Christ. The stark reality is that many of these children seem to be just as far from Christ as many Muslims, Hindu people, and atheists!  PLEASE keep praying for the people of England and the younger generation in particular that God's name might ring again in England from shore to shore!!

"Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more." - Isaac Watts 

(Isaac Watts was a famous English hymn writer of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The above is from his hymn "Jesus Shall Reign") 

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