Friday, March 4, 2011

Report and Prayer Requests!!

Well I haven't written in a horribly long time. I am quite busy with school, other responsibilities, and of course support raising. Over the past few months I have been calling and meeting with people mostly individually, but also sharing with a few groups and the funds are continuing to come in.

On very exciting thing that has happened is that several of my college friends have really stepped forward to support me support me financially in a significant way which I totally did not expect. God is great and when many of these people who I didn't even send a letter to come up and offer to support me in way above and beyond what I could have asked, it is really an incredible testament to God's power! I am now at 22% in gifts and pledges (mostly gifts). That may not seem like a lot, but I knew it wasn't going to come all at once. If I have learned anything about support raising is that it a process. The key thing is that I am continuing to make progress!

In regard to prayer requests, pray for me this weekend as I visit with the missions committee of a sister church in Charlottesville of my home church. Pray that God would open up doors and connections to help me broaden my support base. Pray for me this coming week as I will be making a lot of calls and sending a lot of emails to try and sent up meeting with people. Pray that God would help people see the need for more good strong gospel centered churches in England and move their hearts to partner with me whether that be through a large gift or even a small gift ounce a month. Pray for me as I follow up with those who have showed interest that God would move them to actually support me. AND pray that I would alway remember that God is sovereign and this is His work not mine. I can't make it happen but He can!!

I pray that God will continue to form in me what he formed in Paul:
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. - Phil. 4:12-13 

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