Monday, March 21, 2011

Trip to Redeemer Lynchburg

      Yesterday I visited Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Lynchburg, Virginia a sister church in the same Presbytery as my home church and was able to share about what God is calling me to do in England next year at their second and third service.
      I went honestly a little skeptical about the response I would get, but God in His great grace decided to surprise me. I was received very warmly both by the pastor whom I know a little and by the church in general. I had set up a little display table and I got to visit and talk with a number of people (maybe including some of you) a little more about the need for revival in England what God is doing there through the planting of solid Christ centered churches.
      To those of you who I met yesterday, I just want to say how excited I was to meet and talk with you and to let you know how much of an answer to prayer the welcome you gave me was. I've said it before, but I'll say it again this whole support raising process has been and continues to be a process of me learning more and more to live by faith. I was telling a friend last night that I don't think I have ever had to trust God for anything as much as I am having to trust him now to raise this money. The great thing is though is because of that i am also getting to see God at work more and more!

      Thank you all again for your support and prayer! To God be the glory!!

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