Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Visit to Charlottesville

Thank you all for your prayers. My visit to Grace Community Church in Charlottesville went pretty well. I was able to share with their missions committee and hopefully I will get a few individual supporters from the visit as well.

In the last week, I have also gotten invitations from a few other churches in the Presbytery to come and share with their congregations. Thanks again for your prayers and please pray that God would continue to lead people to support me. The biggest thing for me is to keep my eyes on the goal of strengthening the Church in England so that the gospel may go forth and souls my be saved. God has made it clear that He has called me to this and now I must be diligent in support raising. Diligence will not raise the money, God must do that, but God normally works in and through us not apart from us.

In Christ,


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